RF Device Measurement

Home Facilities RF Device Measurement


USB Vector Network Analyzer Keysight
Signal Analyzer Keysight
Signal Generator Keysight


USB Vector Network Analyzer 9374A (upto 20 GHz)
Signal Analyzer N9010B (10 Hz to 26.5 GHz)
Signal Generator N5173B (9 KHz to 20 GHz)

Microwave device testing upto 26.5 GHz
Microwave device testing upto 26.5 GHz
EMC/Wireless Test Chamber,
G-07, CDMM Ground Floor.
Dr. Suresh Kumar TR,
Associate Professor,
Department of Communication Engineering,
School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE),
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. Pin: 632014.
Email: emc.wirelesstest@vit.ac.in
Phone: 0416-2202448; 9443215268