Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)

Home Facilities Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)

Make: Coherent

Model: COMPex 201 F

Laser System:

Gas : KrF
Wavelength : 248 nm
Maximum Energy : 750 mJ
Pulse duration : 20 ns
Maximum Frequency : 10 Hz

Deposition Chamber:

1. Standard Chamber:
Maximum deposition area: 1 cm x 1 cm
Target size : 1 inch
Targets : 6
Substrate temperature : 800 °C
Target Rastering
Maximum Sample size : 1 cm x 1 cm

2. Large Area Chamber:
Maximum deposition area: 2.5cm x 2.5 cm
Target size : 1 or 2 inch
Substrate temperature: 800 °C
Laser and Target Rastering
Uniformity over 1 square inch

  • Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is a PVD technique used to deposit thinfilms of various materials. The PLD process involves directing a high-energy laser beam onto a target, which ablates the atoms of the target material. The ablated particles form vaporised plasma and are then deposited on the substrate.
  • A key advantage of PLD is that it yields high-quality stoichiometric thinfilms. It is a versatile technique for depositing multicomponent materials like complex oxides, nitrides, etc. It also allows precise control of the thickness of the film, especially when equipped with in situ units like RHEED.
  • PLD-deposited films have broad applications in semiconductors, memory Devices, spintronics, sensors, solar cells, superconductors, etc.

402 - Technology Tower, CFM Lab,
Centre for Functional Materials
Vellore Institute of Technology –Vellore Campus,
Thiruvalam Road,Vellore,Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. Atul Thakre
Assistant Professor
Centre for Functional Materials
CBMR - 201A, VIT Vellore Campus,
Katpadi, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632014

Faculty In-charge E-mail ID: atul.thakre@vit.ac.in
Facility E-mail ID:

S. No. User Type Charges in INR
1 Students (UG/PG)/Research Scholars from VIT 5000
2 UG /PG Students from Academic Institutions 5000
3 Research Scholar from an Academic Institution 5000
4 Project Staff from Academic Institutions 5000
5 Faculty Members from Academic Institutions 5000
6 Research Scientist from R&D Organizations 5000
7 Industry Personnel from Industry 10000
8 Personnel from Non - Government Organizations 7000