Make: Shimadzu, Japan, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
Model: IRAffinity-1, Thermo Nicolet iS50 with inbuilt ATR
- Capable measuring Mid (4000 cm-1 to 400 cm-1) and FAR (700cm-1 to 100cm-1) FT-IR
- Resolution: 0.25, 0.5, 2,4,8, 16 cm-1
- Absorbance and Transmittance information of given samples
- Quantitative and Quality measurement analysis
- Identify the organic, polymeric, and inorganic materials
- Analysis of powders, solids, gels, emulsions, liquids and polymers films
Useful for multiple disciplines of research such as Physics, Chemistry, Material science, Metallurgy, Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Nano Technology & Nano Science, Engineering Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences,etc.
Room No.: 343
Technology Tower
Thermal Analysis Lab
School of Advanced Sciences(SAS)
Phone: 0416 2202463