Ring Shear Apparatus

Home Facilities Ring Shear Apparatus

Make: Wykeham Farrance- Contrlos group

Model: 27-WF22E02 TORSHEAR EmS

  • This piece of equipment is a closed loop controlled, torsional ring shear, capable of conducting highly precise tests to measure residual shear strength parameters of soil to evaluate peak, residual angle of internal friction and cohesion of soils.
  • It uses a constant shear plane and an unlimited angle of rotation or shear strain.

  • Calculation of Peak and Residual shear strength as per ASTM D6467
  • The residual shear strength is used to evaluate the stability of slopes that do not have a pre-existing shear surface

Room No: G04
Ground floor
GD Naidu Block
Geotechnical Lab

Dr. M. Muthukumar,
Associate Professor (Grade 2),
School of Civil Engineering,
VIT, Vellore, TN-632014.
Email: sce.rsa@vit.ac.in
Phone0416- 2202212

User Type Charges (INR) (+ applicable GST)
UG /PG Students from Academic Institution 500
Research Scholar from Academic Institution 750
Project Staff from Academic Institution 750
Faculty Members from Academic Institution 1000
External Research Scientist from R&D Organizations 1000
Industry Personnel from Industry 1500
Personnel from Non - Government Organization 1500